Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 26, 2012 Highlights!

I  now 27 weeks pregnant; Sweet Pea is grasping the fact that there is a baby in her momma's belly. Of course all babies need to be fed so she grabs a bottle, lifts up my shirt and says "I feed baby" and proceeds to stick the bottle in my belly button!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Maiden Voyage 2012

A few weeks ago we took our boat out on the lovely St Croix river. This is a place where I grew up: swimming, caking myself with mud and pretending to be mud monsters, collecting algae (and lots of it) becuase my brother said we could earn a lot of money making soap out of it, sharing laughs, jumping off the back of the boats and just generally having a great time.

Sweet Pea: 4th generation on our boat and future fisherwoman. When asked what kind of fish do you want to catch she responds "woweye". AKA the ever elusive walleye.

Can't be on the river without good company

Then there is the nature that kept flying into our boat:

First catch of the day:

I grew up with Twizzlers and Tootsie Pops on the boat; Sweet Pea gets Sour Patch Kids and Blow-Pops

Nothing like the rocking waves to soothe a toddler to sleep:

All smiles after nap time:

Another great family outing in the boat. We'll have to do it again very soon. Someone is getting the itch to do some fishing.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

my garden

Yay! Another post...thank you nap time. I was able to get into the yard this morning and take a couple pictures of the beginning of my garden this year. I have a lot of weeds to take care of, but I will get there. Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful yellow tulip

 An Anenome Snowdrop.
 Yes, here is one of the nasty dandelions that I will be pulling out very soon.

 One of my clematis vines.

 The power of nature. This asiatic lily pushed right through this leaf.

 My Gold Heart bleeding heart.

 A heuchera-I wish I could remember which one it was...

 All my hostas are up and full except the Hosta Patriot.

 My parents gave me a Jack in the Pulpit last year. I was afraid it would not come back but here it is!

 Another Heuchera-Yeah, another one I can't remember, but the leaf color is intriguing.

 The raspberry bush (ok, there are only two canes) from my sister-in-law.

 Our Hat Trick apple tree. A budded apple tree that carries three varieties. Unfortunately, half the buds have died so I am going to espalier a Honeycrisp tree right on top of it.

 It looks like just weeds, but really it is all poppies. I can't wait for them all to bloom.

 I cannot wait for these peonies and iris to bloom.
 Some beautiful and super smelly lillies. I can't remember which ones these are either...

 The corner garden. I need some more sunflowers along the short fence this year. In front there will also be a water feature by the end of the summer.

I had to have this plant when I saw it in the new varieites! Sedum Thundercloud! Sounds impressive huh, but this little guy stays close to the ground.

 The first plant that I HAD to have! Hydrangea Great Star, just wait till you see pictures of these flowers!

 Good bye dandelions! The front yard is about half cleaned out.

Front garden. I love my Euonymus tree!

Hooray for spring!

Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm here for your humor...

I have always felt that I am the one that keeps people positive. Heck, my whole softball team started saying "put on your positive pants" because of me. I know that some days those positive pants can fall off so you need those big hefty suspenders to hold them up. Without further adieu, here is a little snippet to get you to smile and maybe pull up your positive pants a bit higher today.

This morning was like any other. Sweet Pea did not want to get out of bed. I could not find clothes for her to wear. Her hair was a tangled mess, but we mangaed to get in a good morning snuggle. As I rushed to the door to get on my shoes Sweet Pea made sure to give me a big hug and proceed to tell me to give Daddy a kiss goodbye. Well, I put on my winter coat and out the door I went.

I got into work just on time (like usual) and started up my computer. My boss came over and chit chatted about her upcoming ice fishing trip this weekend and then went back to her desk. My other co-worker came over and started chit chatting about what, I can't even remember. Now this is where it gets funny. I'm sitting at my desk feeling like my collar is awkward so just as I go to adjust it my co-worker comes in close, looks at my shirt, grabs the tag and says Oh my! your shirt is on inside out!!! Ha, so now that you have had a good chuckle I hope you can have a better day. I'm just glad that i did not have any BIG meeting to go to or something right away in the AM.

Here's to making your day a bit brighter-I'm here for your humor :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Transitions are hard for everyone, especially children. I am glad I cannot remember the years when my nuk, diapers, big wheel and pre-cut foods were taken away from me. But here I am working on my favorite pastime (being a mom) and doing to my dear Sweet Pea all those things that I cannot remember. All the while I'm hoping she also does not remember.

I know she is only going to be two in a few days, but somedays it feels as though she is going on 5 or 6. Sweet Pea is an independent little girl that loves to challenge herself; mind and body. She is the type of person I wish I could be, but now as I am taking away some of her comforts I hope she does not loose any of her "spit & vinegar". I have to remind myself daily that she is not even two and that I need to back off and not have expectations (except that hug when I pick her up from daycare). And yet I put her and the home through the following; because it makes sense because I have the week off. Really, maybe I should have backed off.

So, here goes: a week worth of transitions for mom, dad and Sweet Pea!

Transition #1: Sweet Pea has been working really hard on using the big girl potty for the past 2 months now. Yes, she saw her cousin using her potty chair as a step stool to the big potty and decided she too is going to use it only as a step stool now! But, she is getting closer to being out of her diapers. I just wish someone would have warned me that it takes more diapers during toilet training than as an infant! Sweet Pea will NOT put a diaper on twice; even if it is dry. Once in a while we can trick her by folding it back up and putting it on the shelf; but other times she has a spidey sense and knows that she wore it before and does a crazy spin move and refuses to wear that one. All I can think is "that $0.25 is coming out of your piggy bank girl..." We are of the opinion Sweet Pea is too determined to change her mind so we let her choose diaper, panties or naked (except when we have guests then there is no naked). I know maybe I should just take away the diapers all together, but sometimes she wants them on. I keep reminding myself one thing at a time. Or 4, if you are reading this post.

Transition #2: Holidays...need I say more??? As a parent we have all heard about Christmas hangovers; and no, it is not the type that involve too much scotch or egg nog. It is where the kids are all so out of whack that it wears on the parents (luckilly the weather here in MN has been nice enough to get the kids outside whenever they want!).

Transition #3: Daycare-this is a biggie right now in our house! First, we decided to change providers for Sweet Pea. [another post someday] Second, I have the week between Christmas and New Year's off work. This means that not only is she not with her usual friends, but there is no steady schedule and for those of you that know schedules...uff da. Third, Sweet Pea starts her new daycare right after being at home with mom for a week! Good luck to the new provider!

Transition #4: Big girl bed! Yup, mom played the stupid card and decided "hey, I have the week off let's take the side off her crib and make it into a BIG GIRL bed!" Ugh, what was I thinking! I just hope tonight is not the same as last night (at least I don't have to get up for work till Tuesday). Sweet Pea went to bed just fine last night, but at 3am I heard her over the monitor. She was at least singing; so I kept dozing and listening for any cries; when all of a sudden there rose such a clatter (ok, just a cry) that I got up to see what was the matter. Away to her room I flew like a flash rushed through the door and listened for a gasp! But all I heard was a "hide, hide, hide" then an "owie, owie, owie" through the darkness I saw a pile of blankets next to the transition bed (her crib without the one side) and her little voice coming from under the mattress! She was hiding-under the crib! I chuckled to myself and thought for a second that I should let her figure out how to get out, but I decided to be a good mom and pull her out. Oh my; she was then awake until 5:30! Dad came to the rescue and got her back to sleep until 6:30 when Sweet Pea decided it was time to get up! Needless to say, there was no nap in her BIG GIRL bed just a big fight so now she is sound asleep, hopefully for the night. Let's all wish her sweet dreams (and momma & dadda too.)

So, wish this busy mom luck (for the benefit of the whole family) with the transitions and I'll try to remember that change is inevitable and the best way to do it successfully is smooth transitions. And although a piece of my heart dies every time Sweet Pea offers up the best/worst pouty lower lip because of a change I initated; it is more than likely she won't remember the transitions that seem to turn our household upside down.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First Post

Here you all go! It is the first post on My Flea Market Life!

Flea markets, a mish-mash of items for whatever wants, needs, or possible uses you could ever have.

I've always been jealous of those friends and family that have only one or two hobbies. I have tried multiple times to par down my interests so I could better excel at one or two, but when I try, I see something new I want to work on and BOOM-another interst (even worse since I found Pintrest). So, my life is a flea market! I have so many things that I enjoy: being part of a great family, crafting, cooking/baking, reading, playing sports, working out, fishing, visiting with family and freinds and so many other things. So, don't expect a blog all on decorating cheaply, or baking & cooking, or raising a family or playing sports. Just enjoy my posts on the new things I learn, do, see or even possibly partially complete.

Please accept my apologies for mis-spellings, poor use of punctuation and my run-on sentences. I write like I speak and I speak how I write.

Thank you for viewing my blog.